Frequently asked questions

Where do you ship to?

We are delighted in your interest in CowParade. Due to trademark and copyright ownership of the CowParade brand we are limited to serving customers from Europe, Africa, Middle East, former Sovjet republics, Australia and New-Zealand. In addition we have found shipping to UK is causing challenges due to Brexit and are unable to serve clients from our website. Please contact us if you have questions. Thank you, the CowParade team. 

What are the different Cow sizes?

Here are the official sizes in the CowParade Collection:

  • XL: Approximately 28cm in height and 35cm in length, weighing around 3 kilos (mostly hand-painted).
  • Large: Approximately 20cm in height and 30cm in length, weighing about 1,8 kilos (mostly hand-painted).
  • Medium Resin: Approximately 10cm in height and 15cm in length, weighing around 0,5 kilos (Hand-painted). Please beware, with the numerous shapes and forms, sizes are purely indicative.
  • Medium Ceramic: Approximately 11cm in height and 16cm in length, weighing about 0,3 kilos (Decal).
  • Small Cows: Approximately 4cm in height and 6cm in length, weighing around 0,1 kilos (a mix of hand-painted and decal).